Fatehpur Sikri, Marble tomb of Salim Christi

6. 1868. Samuel Bourne 
Fatehpur Sikri, Marble tomb of Salim Christi
22.1x27.7cm (Print No. 1965) (acc.)

INR: 7,500.00

The white marble tomb of Salim Christi, a muslim prophet. Saried women move around carved pillars, and lattice screens filtered the light to stunning effect. Inside is a tomb inlaid with mother-of-pearl where a holy man is seated on cushions and visitors donate rupees.

Tombe de marbre blanc de Salim Christi, prophète musulman. Les piliers sculptés représentent des femmes en sari et de stupéfiants effets de lumière filtrent à travers les moucharabiers.

1 comment:

  1. Fatehpur Sikri is a city in Agra district in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India founded in 1569 by the Mughal emperor Akbar. If you are a history or architecture lover, then do explore Fatehpur Sikri, You will get to see the best of Mughal Architecture here.
